
Beyond the shiny new toy: Next frontier for digital humanities

Monday, February 1, 2016
Two University of Iowa faculty members and a Grinnell professor are using Mellon Digital Bridges funding to take a national lead in humanities/computer collaborations. They aim to see how two datasets could be combined to answer a host of questions about the history of published literary texts.

UI professor appointed to USDA task force

Friday, January 29, 2016
Charles Stanier, associate professor of chemical and biochemical engineering, will serve on the USDA's Agricultural Air Quality Task Force.

Startups should wait three years before beefing up their employee benefit packages

Research from UI assistant professor of management and organizations Ernest O'Boyle finds startups risk losing badly needed revenue if they offer enhanced employee benefit packages too soon, but they may lose their top employees if they wait too long.

Funneling girls into STEM careers is about confidence, curiosity

Friday, January 29, 2016
Jacquett Wade of the University of Iowa discusses programs to encourage women to get involved with science and technology.

Study abroad experience inspires UI alumna to create Glassando

While Abby Restko was a UI student, she studied abroad in Venice, Italy, where she discovered Murano glass jewelry. Restko, a marketing major with an art minor, knew then that she should have a jewelry store that offered Murano glass locally. So she opened Glassando in Old Capitol Town Center.

Durnev studies links between elections, economic volatility

Tippie finance professor Art Durnev discusses his research that finds countries experience greater economic volatility during a national election campaign because it creates political uncertainty that businesses don't like. Durnev's portion of the program starts at 17:50 on the audio file.

College of Engineering shares in prestigious IIE Heiskell Award

Friday, January 29, 2016
The University of Iowa India Winterim study abroad program is recipient of the prestigious 2016 Institute of International Education Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education.
high-bay shelving

A new chapter in library storage

Friday, January 29, 2016
The UI Libraries is equipping a new storage facility to house items that rarely circulate. To prepare for the move, items stored at the current Libraries Annex will be unavailable for retrieval beginning January 2016. However, users may access another copy of a stored item through UBorrow.

From mother to child, passing on disease

Thursday, January 28, 2016
UI researchers are reminding U.S. doctors to watch for two vector-borne and potentially life-threatening diseases that can be passed from mother to child. Though Chagas' disease and Leishmaniasis are generally found in other parts of the world, global travel and migration have made the U.S. vulnerable.
bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) on the surface of a CF-affect airway.

A cystic fibrosis mystery solved

Thursday, January 28, 2016
A University of Iowa study has answered why mice with cystic fibrosis gene mutations don’t develop the life-threatening lung disease. The researchers also identified a proton pump called ATP12A as a potential target for new CF therapies.

UI chemists uncover how key agent allows diseases to reproduce

Thursday, January 28, 2016
University of Iowa chemists have revealed the chemistry behind how certain diseases, from anthrax to tuberculosis, replicate. The key lies in the function of a gene absent in humans, called thyX, and its ability to catalyze the DNA building block thymine. Results published in the journal 'Science.'

Nathan Holton comments on a real chin-scratcher

UI orthodontics professor Nathan Holton comments on the evolution of the human chin.