
UI reaches agreement with Pfizer to develop potential cystic fibrosis gene therapy

The University of Iowa Research Foundation recently finalized a license and sponsored-research agreement with Pfizer Inc. to support the development of potential gene therapies for cystic fibrosis by the laboratories of UI professors John Engelhardt and Ziying Yan.

How high is too high to drive?

Researchers at UI's National Advanced Driving Simulator are featured in a CBC segment on how smoking marijuana affects a person's ability to drive.

UI's Cohen brings music to prisons

Mary Cohen, an associate professor of music education, created a graduate seminar in 2009 based at the Iowa Medical and Classification Center in Coralville—known locally as the Oakdale Prison, which is about restorative and transformative justice.

Hancher to present Bobby McFerrin

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
The UI’s Hancher will present vocalist Bobby McFerrin on Friday, Feb. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort Event Center. The concert will be the final Hancher performance before the opening of the new Hancher Auditorium in the fall.

Studying abroad could give you an edge in the job market

Want to impress an employer during an interview? A story about tackling the language barrier during your study-abroad experience in Spain could very well have your interviewer going from apathetic to absorbed. It doesn't hurt that the story showcases valuable skills at the same time.

What's Supplemental Instruction?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Supplemental Instruction is a free, peer-driven resource that helps students figure out how to achieve in historically challenging courses.

CEOs can't control the future

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Publicly traded firms often issue earnings forecasts that miss the mark, and a new study from the University of Iowa suggests CEO overconfidence is the reason for the poor predictions.

Solar cells show promise for cancer testing

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Advanced Silicon Technology is a semifinalist in the SPIE Startup Challenge, a prestigious startup competition. University of Iowa professor Fatima Toor will travel to San Francisco Feb. 13 through 18 to present the company to contest officials.

UI India Winterim program honored for innovation in international education

Tuesday, February 2, 2016
The UI India Winterim study abroad program received the 2016 Institute of International Education Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education. This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the India Winterim program, with over 1,000 students and faculty participating since its inauguration.

UI TIER: New online course evaluation tool saves departments time, money

Monday, February 1, 2016
As the UI moves forward with the Iowa Board of Regents’ TIER project, campus leaders are committed to keeping colleagues informed. Here's one example of how TIER is already at work on campus.

Zika virus: Guidance for Iowa clinical and hospital laboratories

The State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa has provided information for the state's laboratory personnel regarding diagnostic testing, collection and submission instructions, and lab safety.

Everything you need to know about the caucuses, from two people who know

Monday, February 1, 2016
UI political scientist Tim Hagle discusses why Iowa gets to vote first and other common questions about the Iowa caucus process.