Featured headlines

Law school restores Illinois slavery history

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Law professor Lea VanderVelde is working with the Illinois State Archives to make the agency's online servitude and emancipation records database more complete and accurate.

Lawsuits as investments

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Some invest their money in stocks, some in bonds, some in real estate. Increasingly, investors are also putting their money into lawsuits, and University of Iowa law professor Maya Steinitz says governments need to regulate this growing market.
A rendering of the new Art Building's interior.

State of the arts: Building concepts unveiled

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Rod Lehnertz, UI director of planning, design, and construction, and architects presented initial plans for new Hancher, music, and visual arts facilities.

Sleigh Bells headlining RiverFest 2012 with April 24 performance

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Sleigh Bells will perform in the Main Lounge of the Iowa Memorial Union on April 24, during the University of Iowa’s annual RiverFest.

Feeding the research at the University of Iowa

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Where might you find 320 grams of raw apple peels on the menu? In the metabolic kitchen of the University of Iowa's Clinical Research Unit, which prepares meals for human subjects in UI research.

The last elm

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Once, more than 100 American elm trees graced the Pentacrest. A wave of Dutch elm disease reduced the Pentacrest population to a single tree. May it long inspire poets, artists, and Frisbee-throwers.
the word reliability is obscured by a series of dollar signs

Beware the dollar sign online

Thursday, March 1, 2012
A University of Iowa researcher suggests that online merchants who display a dollar sign in the titles of their Google search engine results may be less reliable than merchants who don't.