
Image of oat hulls

Bravo to biomass

Thursday, September 24, 2015
A new University of Iowa study, published in the journal "Fuel," documents that biomass burning has positive environmental and public-health effects. Co-firing oat hulls with coal reduced emissions of carbon dioxide, particulate matter, and heavy metals compared with burning coal alone.

Dey receives NSF grant for her research project

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
University of Iowa Professor Mishtu Dey has received a National Science Foundation grant for her research project, “Molecular and Structural Dissection of Methyl Coenzyme M Reductase for Methane Production.” The grant is part of the NSF’s Sustainable Chemistry, Engineering, and Materials (SusChEM) initiative.

Mason lands $240,000 NSF grant

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
University of Iowa physical chemist Sara Mason landed a $240,000 grant to study dirt—specifically, the interplay between water and minerals in dirt—all in an effort to figure out how to get rid of contaminants in the ground.

Bruhn publishes article in 'Journal of Primary Prevention'

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Allison L. Bruhn publishes an article, "Treatment Integrity in School-Wide Programs: A Review of the Literature (1993–2012)," in the Journal of Primary Prevention.

Wesely, Vyn receive grant from American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
The American Council on Teaching of Foreign Language awarded Pamela Wesely and Reuben Vyn a grant for their research into the effects of foreign language approaches on student proficiency development.

Chinese president's relationship with Iowa fuels Chinese student interest in UI

One in 10 University of Iowa undergraduate students is Chinese and interest continues to grow. Part of this interest is fueled by Chinese President Xi Jingpin's long-standing relationship with the state of Iowa and Gov. Terry Branstad, as well as UI's reputation for academic excellence and the friendly, welcoming community.

The man who knows more about death than anyone else

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
University of Iowa Health Care pathologist Marcus Nashelsky comments of the importance of accuracy and full information on death certificates.
While the Hawkeye Marching Band entertained the crowd outside the College of Pharmacy at lunchtime on Friday, 10/17, Herky and Jeanine Abrons, clinical assistant professor in the college, paused for a selfie.

UI faculty and staff give back

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Last academic year, more than 3,100 University of Iowa faculty and staff members made charitable donations to support the university, with their contributions amounting to more than $4 million. Now in its third year, We Are Phil will hold its annual appeal Sept. 28-Oct. 2 on the UI campus.
Sample Instagram post for Pancheros new marketing campaign

Getting an A in burritos

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
A new Pancheros Mexican Grill marketing campaign rolling out this week features a component developed by a team of UI marketing students as part of a class project.
Laila Walton jersey.jpg

Cedar Rapids girl to be Kid Captain when Hawkeyes host North Texas

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Genetic testing revealed that Laila Walton possessed a variant of the gene associated with hypokalemic periodic paralysis, a rare kidney disorder, which may be responsible for her symptoms.

UI TIER: Electronic file storage project aids research process

Monday, September 21, 2015
As the UI moves forward with the Iowa Board of Regents’ TIER project, campus leaders are committed to keeping colleagues informed. Here's one example of how TIER is already at work on campus.

Writing Iowa in Kazakhstan

Monday, September 21, 2015
With a new Massive Open Online Course offering on the horizon, English Language Fellow Harry Leeds reflects on using UI International Writing Program resources to facilitate a seven-week poetry workshop in Kazakhstan.