

Old Gold: Remembering a time when postseason play was limited

Monday, October 12, 2015
Despite an 8-1 record, a share of the Big Ten championship, and a final coaches' poll ranking of No. 2, the 1960 Hawkeye football team didn’t get invited to a bowl game. (There were only nine such games at the time.) University Archives has video highlights from the stellar season.
Winter weather photo of student truding along a street during a blizzard

Resources available to answer employees' questions related to inclement weather

Monday, October 12, 2015
Who doesn’t love autumn? The seasonal colors, the crispness in the air…it’s the best. But it’s wise to keep in mind what follows: winter and the potential for inclement weather that comes with it. UI employees can access resources regarding weather conditions and safe travel to and from work.

Promise and Progress: Alumni impact

Monday, October 12, 2015
This past weekend, thousands of University of Iowa alumni returned to campus for Homecoming. For alumni, it was an opportunity to reminisce and reflect on what the UI means to them. For the rest of the university community, it was a reminder of what alumni mean to us.
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Education, business, engineering colleges help power new Kirkwood Regional Center

Friday, October 9, 2015
Kirkwood’s name may get top billing on the sign in front of the community college’s fourth regional center, which formally opened with great fanfare Thursday, but beating in the heart of the 100,000-square-foot building is a strong University of Iowa presence.

Connecting 400-year-old knight errant to UI students and community

Thursday, October 8, 2015
This fall, UI students are discovering the charms of an aged knight-errant, his earthy sidekick, and a cast of colorful characters. Ana Rodríguez-Rodríguez and Denise Filios, professors in Spanish and Portuguese, are co-directing the Obermann–International Programs Humanities Symposium, “Parody, Plagiarism, Patrimony: Don Quixote in the Age of Electronic Reproduction.”

Living in the red zone: good for football, not good in terms of radon

Thursday, October 8, 2015
UI researchers teamed up with northwest Iowa physicians to determine the levels of radon, a cancer-causing gas, entering area homes. Iowa leads the country in high indoor concentrations of radon.
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Libraries' DIY crowdsourcing brings museum collection to life

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
The UI Museum of Natural History and the UI Libraries' DIY History collaborate to enlist public assistance in transcribing century-old, handwritten cards that describe birds’ eggs in the museum’s collections. Such digitization projects have the potential to spark research discoveries and raise public awareness about what museums and libraries offer.

Mainstage season opens with 'American Idiot'

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
"American Idiot," the punk musical featuring the music of Green Day that chronicles the journey of three young men as they search for meaning in a hypocritical world, will open the UI Theatre Mainstage season Oct. 16.
Final Celebrating Cultural Diversity Festival

Celebrating Cultural Diversity Festival commemorates final year

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The Celebrating Cultural Diversity Festival was held for the 25th—and final—time on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015.
people walking by corn monument erected on ui pentacrest

Monumental Homecoming tradition returns to UI campus

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
A group of students from the University of Iowa College of Engineering erected a 24-by-16-foot corn monument in the shape of a capital “I” on the west side of the Pentacrest Monday.

Get to Know...Greg Morris

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The Get to Know series asks University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students a few questions about their work and their outside interests. Today, we visit with Greg Morris, football equipment manager for the Iowa Hawkeyes.

Gerta Bardhoshi publishes article in 'Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation'

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Gerta Bardhoshi publishes "Understanding Exercise Practices and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Senior Games Athletes: A Mixed Methods Exploration" in Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation.