Who doesn’t love autumn? The seasonal colors, the crispness in the air, football season…it’s the best. But all the same, it’s wise to keep in mind what follows: winter and the potential for inclement weather that comes with it.
The following resources may be useful to University of Iowa employees regarding weather conditions and safe travel to and from work.
UI Operations Manual weather policy
As the policy states, whenever possible, the university continues to function during inclement weather. Regularly scheduled classes meet to the extent that students and faculty are able to travel to campus and attend.
Units of the university providing essential services must remain open and in operation. These include:
- University Hospitals and Clinics
- Dental Clinics
- Public Safety
- University Housing
- State Hygienic Laboratory
- Facilities Management
Staff in these units will be expected to make every reasonable effort to report to work.
Administrative functions on the campus continue to the extent that faculty, staff, and administrators can travel to and conduct business on campus. Individuals should use good judgment and avoid serious risks in traveling to campus or attending classes.
UI page section on Winter Weather Info
If weather conditions are so extreme that central administration decides it is necessary to postpone or cancel classes or any other university activity, the Office of Strategic Communication will alert the campus through a variety of channels, including a Hawk Alert, a banner or announcement on the UI Homepage, and updates on the UI Severe Weather web page.
Article XI, Section 6 of the AFSCME contract, “Severe Weather/Emergency Closings”
The contract provides that if the proper management authority declares that an inclement weather situation exists, the following shall apply:
- If the employee reports within 30 minutes of his/her regularly scheduled reporting time, the employee will be assumed to have reported on time.
- If the employee reports after 30 minutes of his/her regularly scheduled reporting time, the employee shall be credited with having worked the first one-half (1/2) hour of the day plus all hours actually worked.
NOTE: The University of Iowa has interpreted “proper management authority” as cited in the AFSCME contract to mean a senior administrator from University of Iowa central administration (e.g., the university president).