
Grossmann speaks about issues related to obesity

Ruth Grossmann, assistant professor in the UI College of Nursing, offers tips on eating healthy without breaking the bank and identifies mistakes people make when trying to fight obesity.

University of Iowa journal publishes newly found Whitman writings

Friday, April 29, 2016
The University of Iowa journal "Walt Whitman Quarterly Review" ("WWQR") has published a newly discovered work by Walt Whitman, "Manly Health and Training." The new, book-length work was discovered by University of Houston Ph.D. candidate Zachary Turpin and appears in its entirety in "WWQR, " an online-only, open-access publication.

UI helping school districts create 'smarter lunchrooms'

Lunchrooms in five school districts across the state look a little different after students, food service workers and UI researchers made changes to promote healthy eating. The idea is to let students help redesign cafeterias to put healthier choices like fruits and vegetables up front.

UI research contradicts conventional wisdom about retinal diabetic neuropathy

Friday, April 29, 2016
For many years, scientists believed diabetic patients developed retinopathy and, as a result of damage to the eye’s blood vessels, later developed neuropathy. In this new study, however, researchers discovered that the sequence of events is just the opposite.

7 perfect places to study

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Looking for just the right place to prep for final exams? Check out these often-overlooked spots on campus.

Full partner

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Though Sandy Boyd’s accomplishments have been many, his wife, Susan, made her own impact on the life and the history of the University of Iowa. Maybe more so, says Sandy.

Thanking Sandy

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Willard "Sandy" Boyd arrived at the University of Iowa in 1954 and served as professor, provost, and president. Few have left as great a mark on the university as he has in his six decades of service.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016
New research by University of Iowa computer scientists uses Twitter data to study how satisfied users are with their lives.

Grow those dendrites

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
UI biologists have homed in on the genes that tell brain cells to grow the tendrils critical for passing messages throughout the body. In a new study, they report certain genes in nearby neurons need to be exact matches in order for the signaling branches to grow properly.

Making insurance careers sexy to millennials

Thomas Berry-Stoelzel, professor of finance in the Tippie College of Business and director of the Vaughan Institute of Insurance and Risk Management, helps analyze how the insurance profession can attract more millennials.

First finalist named for director of public safety position

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
On Tuesday, April 26, the UI announced the first candidate for the position of assistant vice president and director of public safety. Marc Cossich, executive director of public safety and chief of police at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, will visit campus April 26 and 27.

Get to Know...Deborah Whaley

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
The "Get to Know" series asks University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students a few questions about their work and outside interests. Today, we visit with Deborah Whaley.