College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Classroom Pass visits highly ranked printmaking program

Monday, November 3, 2014
Ink is applied to etched plates, paper lays in wait in a pool of water, ink is pressed into grooves, excess ink is scraped off, and the plate and paper become fast friends under the heavy wheel of the press.

Classroom Pass finds the beat in drum and dance course

Monday, November 3, 2014
As this session of Introduction to Afro-Cuban Dance progresses beyond warm-ups, the students run through a routine with energy and intensity, crisscrossing the studio floor, limbs moving to and fro, faces expressing concentration and joy.
Timothy Havens lectures in front of a screen

Classroom Pass dissects TV series in African American studies course

Monday, November 3, 2014
Teaching students how to analyze segments of the acclaimed HBO television series "The Wire" helps them understand the deliberate techniques the show’s producers and editors use to make the show a social commentary, commercial, and aesthetic force.
A student in General Astronomy ignites a fireball

Classroom Pass gets fired up in astronomy class

Monday, November 3, 2014
When Tyler Stercula walks into class, he's not expecting to hold a candle to a hydrogen-filled balloon and ignite a giant fireball in front of his startled classmates—but that's what he does, with four different gases. This is how Professor Robert Mutel likes to teach General Astronomy.
UI students stands in elementary school classroom

Classroom Pass tags along on student practicum

Monday, November 3, 2014
Lara Shema walks purposely down the halls of Lucas Elementary School in Iowa City, a floral notebook tucked confidently into the bend of her right elbow, a pen at the ready. She hopes to have a classroom of her own someday, but for now she is serving a 10-week practicum at the school while working toward a degree in elementary education.
Professor Brochu behind podium with image of T. rex behind him on screen

Classroom Pass takes a bite out of dinosaur research

Monday, November 3, 2014
Christopher Brochu strides into the Pomerantz Center auditorium with a resin replica of a five-foot-long jawbone tucked under his arm. He sets it down carefully on a table adjacent to the podium, attaches a microphone to his shirt, looks up at the 100–plus students watching him, and grins. Today’s lesson explores tyrannosaurs.

Business field trip

Monday, November 3, 2014
University of Iowa Recreation and Sport Management lecturer Dan Matheson led 45 UI students to the Twin Cities for a business "field trip" earlier this month.

UI students get inside look at ecology through research study

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
A dozen undergraduates at the University of Iowa learned about biodiversity in a hands-on way: The students worked with biologist Andrew Forbes and graduate students to inventory insect populations in urban areas, as part of a biodiversity study. Some said the experience may influence their career choice.
Picture of walnut fly, one of insects studied by UI researchers as part of research into biodiverrsity in ruban areas.

Green spaces don't ensure biodiversity in urban areas

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Green spaces in cities are great, but they don't ensure biodiversity, according to University of Iowa biologists. The team found insect abundance was lacking in two common urban trees, suggesting insect movement may be limited by barriers, such as roads and buildings. Results appear in the journal PLOS ONE.

U.S. News ranks UI 121st among 500 'Best Global Universities'

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The University of Iowa ranks 121st among the world's 500 “Best Global Universities,” according to the inaugural global rankings published by the magazine U.S. News and World Report.

Hancher to present 'Healing Wars' by contemporary dance pioneer Liz Lerman

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
As the culmination of an extended residency that has touched many areas of the UI campus, Liz Lerman brings her newest work, "Healings Wars," to University of Iowa's Space Place Theatre Nov. 13-15.
People walking past the Old Capitol building

Picturing You@UI

Monday, October 27, 2014
A perfect fall day greeted thousands of prospective students and family members at the first You@UI visit event, which mixed campus tours, interactive sessions on academics, and other experiences designed to show what it's like to be a University of Iowa student.