
Parenthood doesn’t help improve your diet, study finds

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
A study by University of Iowa professor Helena LaRoche found that the diets of adults does not improve after they’ve had children.

Breastfeeding: A more costly approach?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Research by University of Iowa sociologist Mary Noonan found that women who breastfed for six months or longer saw greater reductions in their long-term earnings.
Earl Rose

Medical examiner, UI pathologist dies

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Earl Rose, the Dallas medical examiner who tried to stop the Secret Service from removing John F. Kennedy's body before he had conducted an autopsy, then later joined the UI faculty as a professor of forensic pathology, died today in Iowa City.
internet browser bar with http://vote text and an arrow

Idea of Internet voting under attack

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Doug Jones, University of Iowa professor of computer science, discusses Internet voting flaws. Jones is the author of Broken Ballots: Will Your Vote Count?

UI Department of Mathematics honored for minority doctoral work

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The UI Department of Mathematics will write another chapter in its renowned history of supporting minority doctoral degrees when it, in coordination with the UI Graduate College’s Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences program, awards seven doctorates to members of underrepresented minority groups during 2012.

Iowan more than a footnote in JFK lore

Monday, April 30, 2012
The world tends to remember 85-year-old Earl Rose, a retired forensic pathologist and University of Iowa professor now facing his own final days, for one fleeting moment in the middle of a national tragedy. He was a Dallas medical examiner who tried to keep White House aides from removing John F. Kennedy’s body before an autopsy had been conducted.

Is farm tile a flood factor?

Monday, April 30, 2012
Keith Schilling, adjunct assistant professor in the University of Iowa Department of Geoscience, writes in an op-ed that excessive tile drainage from farm fields could exacerbate flooding.
Alec Scranton

Frequent hiker miles

Monday, April 30, 2012
Not only is Alec Scranton, at the age of 48, the first University of Iowa College of Engineering alumnus to serve as dean of the college, but he is also a fifth-generation Iowan. But having deep Iowa roots hasn’t diminished his wanderlust.

Encouraging enterprise

Monday, April 30, 2012
The University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research and the Iowa Centers for Enterprise have announced seven winners of the 2012 Grow Iowa Values Funds (GIVF) Development Funds Proposal Competition.

UI professor designs apps for autistic kids

Monday, April 30, 2012
An app designed by Juan Pablo Hourcade, assistant professor of computer science in the University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, helps children with autism improve their social skills.

Recent deaths

Friday, April 27, 2012
Death notices for current and retired UI employees. Links to online obituaries provided when available.

Investing in students and the state

Friday, April 27, 2012
Linda Snetselaar, next president of the UI Faculty Senate, speaks to the Iowa Board of Regents about support for higher education.