
Video: Graduate College winter commencement ceremony 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015
A video recording of the winter 2015 UI Graduate College ceremony is available for viewing.

Video: Teacher Education Convocation winter 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015
A video recording of the winter 2015 Teacher Education Convocation is available for viewing.

Video: Undergraduate winter commencement ceremony 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015
A video recording of the winter 2015 UI Undergraduate Ceremony, which includes students from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tippie College of Business, University College, and the Bachelor of Science degree candidates in the Carver College of Medicine, is now available for viewing.

Video: College of Engineering winter commencement ceremony 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015
A video recording of the winter 2015 UI College of Engineering ceremony is now available for viewing.

Moving forward together

Thursday, December 3, 2015
This first month at the University of Iowa has been defined by engagement and understanding. People are passionate about the university—its mission and its future. The collective effort to achieve and to address challenges can be seen in our students, faculty, and staff.

Marsalis patriarch bringing modern jazz flavor to Iowa City for holiday concert

Thursday, December 3, 2015
Ellis Marsalis' family is one of the most famous in all of music, and Marsalis himself is a top-notch performer in his own right. His upcoming Hancher concert will feature holiday music.

Get to Know...Rossina Liu

Thursday, December 3, 2015
The "Get to Know" series asks University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students a few questions about their work and outside interests. Today we visit with the College of Education's Rossina Liu, who is also the faculty fellow for the Provost's Office of Outreach and Engagement.

Breast surgery may prolong survival for some women with stage IV breast cancer

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Using data from over 21,000 patients, a UI study shows that survival has improved for women with stage IV breast cancer over the past two and a half decades and that receiving surgery to remove the primary tumor is associated with improved survival.

UI students attend global climate meeting

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
University of Iowa students and faculty are attending the global climate talks this month in Paris. Four students from three colleges and a faculty member in engineering will further their research and report on what they see and learn at the COP 21 meeting.

UI Children's Hospital to be renamed for Stead family

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
In honor of Jerre and Mary Joy Stead and their extraordinary commitment to children’s medicine at the University of Iowa, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, approved the University of Iowa's request to rename UI Children’s Hospital the Stead Family University of Iowa Children’s Hospital.

IC Red Week turns Iowa City red

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
IC Red Week is a week of promoting HIV/AIDS awareness around the Iowa City area, hosted by a collaboration of University of Iowa student organizations. True to its name, the IC Red Week will turn Iowa City red with activities through Dec. 5.

Local activities shine a light on AIDS epidemic

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Apoorva Raikwar, a biology undergraduate and psychiatric nursing assistant at the University of Iowa, discusses the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS and the importance to raise awareness about this ongoing public health issue.