Aaron Boes
Boes' laboratory is interested in the link between brain structure and function across the lifespan, particularly network-based localization of neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Boes and his team approach this topic using multi-modal neuroimaging methods that include lesion mapping, resting state functional connectivity MRI, and structural MRI. A recent focus of the lab has been to investigate the networks associated with focal brain lesions by integrating the traditional approach to lesion mapping with normative functional connectivity data, termed lesion network mapping. Boes is the director of the Clinical Program in Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Iowa and another focus of the lab is to use advanced imaging techniques in conjunction with neuromodulation to better understand the therapeutic mechanisms of brain stimulation, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of depression.
Boes is a native Iowan and did his early training at Iowa (B.S. 2003, MD, 2009, PhD 2009). He did residency in pediatrics at UC San Diego and pediatric neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He completed a fellowship in neuropsychiatry and noninvasive brain stimulation with Alvaro Pascual-Leone at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He joined the faculty at Iowa in 2016.
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- Non-invasive neuromodulation; Transcranial magnetic stimulation; Human brain mapping; Lesion studies of humans