College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Political science professor honored for his student mentoring

Thursday, October 15, 2020
Frederick Boehmke is a professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the Iowa Social Science Research Center, has been named by the Society for Political Methodology as a 2020 recipient of its Excellence in Mentoring Award.
dew on grass

Stay in touch with your emotions to reduce pandemic-induced stress

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
The coronavirus has ushered in a lot of stress. A team of psychologists at the University of Iowa say people can reduce stress by identifying their emotions and taking mindful action to address them. The findings come from a national survey gauging how Americans are faring during the pandemic.

Spanish and Portuguese professor wins NEH award

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
A professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese has won a book publishing award from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The award means a book by Luis Martín-Estudillo, titled The Rise of Euroskepticism: Europe & Its Critics in Spanish Culture, will be turned into a free e-book.

Humanities professor named Ford Foundation fellow

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
A humanities professor at the University of Iowa has been named a Ford Foundation fellow for 2020-2021. Alberto Ortiz Diaz, assistant professor of history and global health studies, will work on a book about incarceration in the modern Caribbean.

Biology professor wins NIH funding to study organism's response to stress

An assistant professor in the Department of Biology has been awarded an Early Stage Investigator grant from the National Institutes of Health. Bin He will use the funding to investigate how gene regulatory networks evolve as an organism reacts to external perturbations—such as a change in temperature or source of food— how they may contribute to a species’ adaptation to its environment. His lab...

Writing in Spanish elevates academia

By bringing another language into an academic system that privileges English, programs such as those at the University of Iowa provide alternative and radical frameworks that challenge a historically white academy’s assumptions about writing—how it should be taught, who belongs in the U.S. graduate classroom, and why we write.

Physicist named American Physical Society fellow

Friday, October 9, 2020
Vincent Rodgers, professor and director of graduate studies in the UI Department of Physics and Astronomy, has been elected a fellow of the American Physical Society.

Biology graduate student named to journal pre-print team

Thursday, October 8, 2020
A graduate student in the Department of Biology has been named to the pre-print team at the scientific journal Open Biology. Beth Osia says pre-print submissions are an integral part of the scientific publishing process and an important first stop for feedback for many researchers.

Physicists win NASA funding to build special apparatus for magnetic field sensors

Thursday, October 8, 2020
A University of Iowa physicist has been awarded funding from NASA to design and build a special mast that can carry magnetic field instruments outfitted for miniature space satellites.

3 University of Iowa graduates named finalists for 2020 National Book Awards

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Books by German poet Anja Kampmann and Colombian novelist Pilar Quintana were honored in the translated literature category, and a forthcoming collection of essays by Jerald Walker was selected in nonfiction.

UI alumnus named one of 19 theater workers you should know

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
American Theatre listed Bo Frazier, who received their MFA in directing from the University is Iowa, as one of 19 theater workers people should have on their radar.
Wade Elmer, Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology (CSN) affiliate and vice director of plant pathology and ecology with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, observes soybeans used is part of an ongoing experiment where CSN materials are being

University of Iowa chemists study environmental safety, health effects of nanotechnology

Friday, September 25, 2020
A group led by Sara E. Mason at the University of Iowa has obtained renewed funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation to study the environmental safety and human health effect of nanomaterials. Mason’s group is part of a national consortium called the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology.