Jennifer Nahrgang
Nahrgang is the Palmer Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at the UI Tippie College of Business. Before her career in academia, Jennifer spent five years working for ExxonMobil Corp. At Tippie, she teaches topics related to leadership, team development, and negotiations in the executive MBA program and numerous executive education programs. She has worked with clients such as the Mayo Clinic, PayPal, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, MTD (Modern Tool and Die Co.), Re-Bath, and numerous small businesses. She enjoys working with students, executives, and organizations to help them discover ways of developing their talent to effectively lead in the current and future world of work.
In the area of research, Nahrgang focuses on leadership processes and leadership development, team dynamics and effectiveness, employee voice and engagement, and the future world of work. She has published numerous articles in top-tier management journals, and currently serves as associate editor for Personnel Psychology.
- Second jobs and side hustles; Part-time work; Negotiations