If you are traveling on First Avenue in Coralville and want to head west on Interstate 80 at the 242 exit beginning April 2, be aware of a detour that will add extra time to your trip, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation.

The westbound I-80 on-ramp will close for reconstruction and traffic will be detoured east on I-80 to Dubuque Street/exit 244. From there, a left turn will route traffic onto I-80 heading west.
The detour is expected to be in place until mid-June.
Also on April 2, the fully completed eastbound I-80 off ramp to First Avenue will open to traffic.
The Iowa DOT is reconstructing the interchange at I-80 exit 242 and First Avenue with a diverging diamond interchange. Major construction began in March 2023, and reduces First Avenue to one lane in each direction over I-80.
As of February, the project was 60% complete and on track for completion by the end of 2024, according to the Iowa DOT.
Visit coralville.org/1stAve80interchange for more information.