Kara Whitaker
Whitaker's research examines the social and behavioral determinants of physical activity, healthy eating, and obesity. She also studies the effects of physical activity and sedentary lifestyles on cardiometabolic risk factors. Overarching themes across her research are maternal-child health and health disparities, and much of her work has been with racially diverse pregnant women. Whitaker's work to date has focused on building an evidence base to inform the development of interventions that promote physical activity, healthy eating, and weight control to optimize cardiometabolic health, particularly in traditionally understudied populations. She is especially interested in working with women during pregnancy as this is a critical time period where interventions have the potential to positively impact the health of both the mother and child.
Related IowaNow stories:
- Physical activity and sedentary behavior epidemiology
- Physical activity and women’s health
- Cardiovascular disease