Friday, March 27, 2020

University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Winners receive a certificate and letter of appreciation from the Office of the President.

Recipients for December 2019 are listed below.

35 Years
Diane Burke, Otolaryngology
Steven Fleagle, ITS CIO Office
Derek Hyche, Public Safety
Sara Jedlicka, Treasury Operations
Sarah McCain, Facilities Management
Sara Piere, College of Medicine Administration
Sharon Seydel, Dental Research
Joni Yoder, Dental Clinic Administration

30 Years
Staanton Berberich, State Hygienic Laboratory
Crystal Brown, Continuum of Care Management
Karla Frink, Pathology
Michelle Jackson, Internal Medicine
Timothy Logan, Psychiatry
Timothy Metz, Facilities Management
Nancy Plymale, Administrative Information Systems
Michael Schueller, State Hygienic Laboratory
Cynthia Shipley, Procurement Services
Candas Swartzdruber, Ambulatory Care Services

25 Years
Joseph Abraham, Food and Nutrition Services
Diane Finnerty, Provost Administration
George Hospodarsky, Physics and Astronomy
Lori Husmann, Iowa Memorial Union
Diana Kruse, Biology
Michael Reeve, Engineering Services
Christine Walls, Ambulatory Surgery Center
Stephanie Von Lienen, Benefits, Health, and Productivity