David Cwiertny

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director, Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination
Director, Environmental Policy Research Program

Cwiertny's research program broadly focuses on pollutant fate in natural and engineered systems, with particular expertise related to emerging pollutant transformation pathways and the development of nanomaterial-based treatment technologies that promote water sustainability. At UI, he is a core faculty member in the campus-wide Water Sustainability Initiative, and has developed courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels related to society’s pursuit of sustainable water resources. He  serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, a Royal Society of Chemistry journal devoted to water research and technology in the built environment. He is also active in several professional societies (e.g., ACS, RSC and AEESP) and is a member of the organizing committee for EmCon, the premier international conference on the occurrence, fate, effects and analysis of emerging contaminants in the environment. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award (2010), and in 2014 was selected as the UI Early Career Scholar of the Year. 

Research Interests

  • Water sustainability
  • Water and wastewater treatment
  • Stressors of water quality and water quantity
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Fate and effects of emerging pollutant classes
  • Environmental implications and applications of nanotechnology

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Research areas
  • Water quality
  • Environmental policy
  • Resource sustainability
  • Environmental nanotechnology
  • Water and wastewater treatment
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