A farmer, who is already under a doctor's care for chronic pain, arrives at an emergency room with an acute injury. The new pain is excruciating, but treatment is complicated because the patient already suffers from his previous condition.
How does his health care provider team manage the complexity of treating both his acute and chronic pain?
That's the case study an inter-professional team of health care providers at the University of Iowa are using to develop an interactive, web-based pain education course that will one day be used to train students at the UI and other universities.
The UI team began its work this fall after the university was named one of 11 Centers for Excellence in Pain Education (CoEPE) designated by the National Institutes of Health Pain Consortium. The centers, recognized as leaders in advancing the science and care of patients in pain, were selected by the NIH to help improve pain education for undergraduate and graduate health professional students.
According to the NIH, chronic pain affects about 100 million Americans, costing up to $635 billion in medical treatment and lost productivity and contributing to poor quality of life. Yet, pain treatment is not extensively taught in many health professional schools.
"Virtually all health professionals are called upon to help patients suffering from pain," says Francis Collins, director of the NIH. "These new centers will translate current research findings about pain management to fill what have been recognized as gaps in curricula so clinicians in all fields can work with their patients to make better and safer choices about pain treatment.”
The CoEPE program was developed by NIH in response to the Affordable Care Act's mandate to advance the science, research, care, and education of pain. The program is coordinated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), one of 27 institutes and centers at NIH.
The enduring e-learning pain modules developed by the CoEPE program are expected to advance the assessment, diagnosis, and safe treatment of pain. Emphasis on inter-professional collaboration in providing quality pain care underlies the case development and will be evaluated through testing of learning modules in inter-professional course activities. The UI has been awarded $77,871 to develop its first educational course and is committed to creating more, depending on funding available from the NIDA.
"We are excited about the educational resources to be developed and our role in providing tools that will be disseminated through the NIH Pain Consortium to any school interested in improving their academic attention to the topic of pain management," says Keela Herr, professor and associate dean for faculty in the UI College of Nursing and primary investigator for UI's CoEPE. "The UI has long been recognized as a leader in advancing the science and care of patients in pain. The prestigious CoEPE designation will create synergy of our ongoing initiatives in pain research, pain education, and improving patient care, through heightened awareness of existing initiatives and increased collaborations among health professionals and others on campus committed to high-quality pain care.”
Herr is joined by co-principal investigators Kathleen Sluka, College of Medicine–physical therapy; Dana Dailey, College of Medicine–physical therapy; and Tanya Uden-Holman, College of Public Health.
The UI CoEPE case-development team includes pain experts from the nursing, medicine, physician assistant, pharmacy, public health, social work, dentistry, and psychology fields.
The online courses developed by all of the CoEPEs will be available for free to all health professions, schools, and faculty through the NIH Pain Consortium web resources.
Other schools designated as CoEPEs in 2015 include the University of Alabama at Birmingham; the University of California, San Francisco; Harvard University; the University of Connecticut; Johns Hopkins University; the University of Pennsylvania; the University of Pittsburgh; the University of Rochester; Southern Illinois University , Edwardsville; and the University of Washington.