Next week begins the last, most important stage in our search for the University of Iowa’s 21st president.
![Robillard~Jean-2012-2[2].jpg Jean Robillard](/sites/
The Iowa Board of Regents has invited four candidates recommended by the Presidential Search and Screen Committee to visit campus Thursday, Aug. 27; Friday, Aug. 28; Monday, Aug. 31; and Tuesday, Sept. 1.
The candidates each will spend a day with faculty, staff, and students, describing their visions for the university and fielding questions at open town hall meetings from 4:45 to 6:15 p.m.
Faculty Senate, Staff Council, UI Student Government, and UI Graduate and Professional Student Government leaders will participate in the interviewing process and will have an opportunity to provide feedback to the Board of Regents.
After the fourth candidate’s visit, we’ll spend Sept. 2 in conversation and consideration. Campus leaders and the search firm will process feedback and share our community’s thoughts with the regents.
On Sept. 3, the regents will meet each of the four finalists and select a preferred candidate. The regents hope to name our new president that afternoon.
Early this year, the Board of Regents charged a group of faculty, students, regents, staff, and community representatives with identifying the very best people to lead our university. We approached the task committed to inclusion, integrity, and respect.
I’m extremely proud of our work. We have recruited a talented slate of candidates, each of whom would make a fine colleague, advocate, and steward.
However, we owe this success to all of you. Your dedication and drive have built a respected university that’s a compelling draw for some of the best leaders in higher education.
Thank you for being a part of this important process. For these candidates, the positive stories you share over the next two weeks will crystallize what the University of Iowa truly represents. Thank you for making your voices count and expressing who we are today and who we will become.
Jean Robillard
Interim President