The following humanities and humanities-adjacent University of Iowa PhD students have been competitively selected to spend this summer working with local arts and culture organizations on specific projects as inaugural Humanities for the Public Good interns. They will earn $5,000 each and learn on the job and also participate in workshops as a cohort, building networks to extend their skills and scholarship beyond the walls of campus and academe.
Leia Belt, Sociology
Exhibit Researcher-Modern Protest and Social Justice
African American Museum of Iowa
Andrew Boge, Communication Studies
Program Researcher—High School Underground Railroad Program
African American Museum of Iowa
Hannah Bonner, Cinematic Arts
Community Participation Researcher
The Englert Theatre
Marie Culpepper, French and Italian
Preservation and Designed Product—Belgian Yard Game
Iowa Valley Resource Conservation and Development
Michael Davis, Journalism and Mass Communication
Audience Development: Student Engagement
Alex Denison, Cinematic Arts
Community Participation Researcher
The Englert Theatre
Mark Rheaume, Music
Writing and Communication to Contextualize Visiting Artists and Events
Hancher Auditorium
Kathleen Shaughnessy, English
Promotional Campaign—Rural Historic Sites
Iowa Valley Resource Conservation and Development
Paul Schmitt, English
Flood Resilience Community Engagement
Iowa Valley Resource Conservation and Development
Learn more about Humanities for the Public good here: