The University of Iowa Department of Theatre Arts’ first Mainstage production of the season brings together two Italian theater artists, a former supervisor for the Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit, an experimental jazz music specialist, and an education sociologist in the Iowa Partnership in the Arts production, Crescendo.
This production will be on stage at 8 p.m. Oct. 9-11 and 15-18, and at 2 p.m. Oct. 12 and 19. All performances will take place in the David Thayer Theatre of the UI Theatre Building.
How do we embrace the individual talents of students and teachers without reducing them to data sheets, standardized testing, and government mandates? This year’s Iowa Partnership in the Arts production is a funny and touching new piece that explores how the Industrial Revolution still impacts our educational system. Utilizing a new form of masks by Italian mask creator Matteo Destro and original jazz compositions by UI jazz studies director John Rapson, Crescendo examines how our technical evolution shapes today’s society.
Crescendo is written and directed by Destro and Paola Coletto. It features collaborations from Paul Kalina, assistant professor in the UI Department of Theatre Arts, and David Bills, professor in the UI Department of Sociology.
Related story: Obermann-incubated project comes to a 'Crescendo'
Tickets are $18 ($12 for seniors 65 and up, $10 for college students and youth, and $5 for UI students with valid ID) and are available through the Hancher Box Office, 319-335-1160, 800-426-2437, or on the Hancher website.
The Iowa Partnership in the Arts Program was established in 1992 to support the creation of major new works of theatrical art. Nationally and internationally respected guest artists collaborate with students and faculty to present adventuresome new works, many of which have gone on to be productions throughout the country. This program is part of a long tradition of UI faculty and students collaborating with professional artists to develop new work.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all UI-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact the Hancher Box Office in advance at 319-335-1158.