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The Iowa Center for Assistive Technology Education and Research (ICATER) recently received the Ziegler Award of the Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa.
ICATER, part of the University of Iowa’s College of Education, is a state and national leader in assistive technology education, helping educators, parents, students, and others, find technological solutions to barriers to learning and working.
The Zeigler Award is extended to people and organizations who have extended an exceptionally helpful or creative service tailored to the transition needs of a young adult or adults with learning disabilities.
The Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa will present the award Sunday, Oct. 19, during the Learning Disabilities conference in Des Moines, Iowa.
The Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism also awarded its annual IowaWatch/Fotini Perlmutter Award for an outstanding IowaWatch student journalist from the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication to Sarah Hadley. Hadley, a senior from Cedar Rapids, is an assistant editor who joined IowaWatch during her sophomore year. The award was presented on Oct. 2. Hadley also won this award last year.
Dan Lose, graduate student in the College of Nursing, has been selected to receive the Hector Perez Award from the Iowa Nurses Association (INA).
Established in 2001 and named after Hector Perez, RN, ARNP (1953-2001)—who represented the role of men in nursing and demonstrated a commitment to improve methods in nursing to address the varied cultural needs of patients and members of the profession—the award is presented annually to an Iowa Registered Nurse who is a member of a minority group in the profession and has made a significant contribution to nursing in a clinical setting.
Lose will receive the award at the INA annual conference in Waterloo, Iowa on Oct. 12-14.
Lisa Shah, a graduate student in the College of Nursing, was recently awarded a two-year F31 Predoctoral Fellowship from the National Institute of Nursing Research, part of the National Institutes of Health. She will utilize this support to help complete her dissertation research on Family Communication of Genetic Risk for Cardiac Disease.
Chi, DL; Ettinger, RL: an article, "Prevention and nonsurgical management of dental caries over the life course for individuals with special health care needs. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2014 Jul;42(7);455-63. Review
Ettinger, RL: an article, "Geriatric dentistry in the USA: looking back 30 years. Gerodontology. 2014 Sep;31(3):161-5. doi: 10.1111/ger.12133. Epub 2014 Jun 4.
Denry, I; Kelly, JR: an article, "Emerging ceramic-based materials for dentistry. J Dent Res. 2014 (Epub ahead of print); jdr.sagepub.com/content/ early/2014/09/29/0022034514553627. (Invited review)
Margaret Cretzmeyer; Jane Moeckli; William Ming Liu: an article, "Barriers and Facilitators to Veterans Administration Collaboration With Community Providers: The Lodge Project for Homeless Veterans" Social Work in Health Care. Sep2014
Cassie L. Barnhardt: an article, "Campus-Based Organizing: Tactical Repertoires of Contemporary Student Movements" New Directions for Higher Education, Article first published online: 12 SEP 2014
Chad N. Loes; Mark H. Salisbury; Ernest T. Pascarella: an article, "Student perceptions of effective instruction and the development of critical thinking: a replication and extension" Higher Education September 2014
David Cassels Johnson and Thomas Ricento: book chapter, "Methodologies of Language Policy Research" The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics, 2014