In her meeting with the Iowa Board of Regents in Urbandale today to discuss the University of Iowa’s sexual misconduct policies, UI President Sally Mason unveiled a “Six-Point Plan to Combat Sexual Assault.”
Following are details of the plan, which can also be found on the UI Office of the President’s website at, along with Mason's remarks to the board. Updates about the university’s progress toward meeting the plan’s stated goals will also be provided regularly on the site.
Related: University of Iowa sexual misconduct response
Six-Point Plan to Combat Sexual Assault
Point 1: Crack down on offenders
- Hold all offenders responsible for their actions.
- Develop more, and more effective, sanctions.
- Expel offenders in the most severe cases.
- Request Board of Regents support to assess system-wide policies and procedures.
Point 2: Increase support for survivors
- Expand long-term support services.
- Train every staff member who comes in contact with survivors.
- Advocate continued federal funding for nurse examiners.
Point 3: Improve prevention and education
- Add staff for in-person training, workshops, and dialogues.
- Implement regular campus safety walks to improve lighting and other conditions.
- Authorize funding to expand Night Ride.
Point 4: Improve communication
- Make resource and support information easier to find.
- Improve information on key web pages.
- Improve language of our Timely Warning emails.
Point 5: Add funding
- Seek every source of dollars to support this plan, including savings from the efficiency projects the board’s consultants will be assisting with, and other areas.
- Expand overall resources to address the problem of sexual assault.
Point 6: Listen more and report back
- Form a student advisory group to meet regularly with the president and senior staff.
- Use the president’s website to provide updates on this plan.