International students and scholars at the University of Iowa contributed more than $101 million toward the state of Iowa’s economy last year, according to data recently released by the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors (NAFSA).
NAFSA reports that in academic year 2011-12, international students and their dependents contributed approximately $21.81 billion to the U.S. economy. More than $306 million of that total came from Iowa colleges and universities, and while the UI’s international student and scholar population wasn’t the highest of the state universities, the economic impact of UI students exceeded that of the two other state universities combined.
Data from the 2012 Open Doors report, released by the Institute of International Education, shows nationwide increases in both international student enrollment and study abroad participation. At the UI, international student enrollment also increased while study abroad participation decreased slightly.
The number of international students and scholars at the UI grew by 5 percent from academic year 2010-11 to 2011-12, with 3,130 international students reported in fall 2011 and 2,982 international students in fall 2010. Total international students in colleges and universities across the United States increased by 6 percent in the same time frame.
This fall, international enrollment at the UI reached an all-time high, with 3,571 international students and scholars students representing 105 countries enrolled, a 14-percent increase over last year’s 3,130 international students and scholars. Nationwide comparisons for fall 2012 will not be released until the fall 2013 Open Doors report.
Study abroad statistics from the Open Doors report, which are a year behind international student statistics, show a 1.3 percent increase in study abroad during 2010-11 at the national level. Study abroad participation at the UI fell 1.3 percent in the same time frame, with 1,347 students studying abroad in 2010-11 compared to 1,365 in 2009-10. Fall 2012 UI study abroad numbers have not yet been released.
According to Open Doors, about 14 percent of American students receiving bachelor’s degrees this past year have studied abroad at some point during their undergraduate programs. The UI ratio is higher, with 20 percent of last year’s graduates studying abroad at some point while at the UI.
For more statistics on international students and scholars at the UI, contact Lee Seedorff at or 319-335-0335. For more UI study abroad statistics, contact Liz Wildenberg de Hernandez at or 319-335-0353.
Information on the 2012 Open Doors report can be found at More data from NAFSA on economic impact of international students is available at