Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Adults age 45 and older with elevated triglycerides who have had a stroke, heart attack, chest pain, or heart surgery are invited to participate in a University of Iowa research study on preventing these conditions. People with diabetes or blocked arteries in the neck or legs may also qualify for this research. Eligible participants must currently be taking a statin medication, such as Lipitor, to lower cholesterol.

The study will evaluate the effectiveness of an investigational medication in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Participation involves nine visits over a period of about five years to the Preventive Intervention Center located at UI Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. Eligible participants receive, at no cost, physical exams, electrocardiograms, laboratory evaluations, and study medication. Participants will receive either the study drug or placebo (inactive substance). Compensation is available.

For more information, contact the center at 800-887-6917 or 319-384-5048 or email