
Links to some of the most popular campus resources gathered in one place for your convenience.


Mouse wide

Employee Self-Service

Fill out your monthly timecard, set up direct deposit, sign up for training, and access other employment tools.

benefits icon


Find information about health and dental insurance, retirement savings, employee discounts, and more.

Organization icon

Jobs at Iowa

View current job openings at the university.

Billing icon

University Billing Office

Find information related to university billing and your U-bill.

Mail icon

Office365 and email

Log into Office365 and your uiowa email.

Keyboard icon

Information Technology Services (ITS)

ITS provides technical support, training, and tools. 

presentation icon

Branded templates

Creating a PowerPoint presentation? A departmental report or a flyer? Download materials from this library of branded templates that show your Iowa affiliation and are easy to use. 


Open book icon

University Directory

The University of Iowa directory provides contact information for faculty, staff, and students who have opted to share their information.

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Campus Map

This map can help you navigate campus.

Road icon

Parking and Transportation

Access information about services such as your parking permit, Cambus, van pool, rideshare, and more.

Warning icon

Campus Safety

Update your emergency notification settings, learn about free campus safety services, and understand what to do during an emergency.

weight lifting icon

Recreational Services

Your guide to information about all campus recreation facilities, programs, and classes.

speech bubble icon

Report a Problem

The University of Iowa is a place where all people should feel safe and included. We want to know when a problem is occurring on campus. If you see something, please say something.


Calendar icon

Academic Calendar

View current and upcoming academic calendars from the Office of the Registrar.  

Digital textbook icon


Iowa Courses Online (ICON), allows your to view current courses and grades.

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MAUI allows access to student records, billing, degree audits, and more.


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General Catalog

View current and upcoming courses at Iowa.

Mental health and well-being

well-being icon

Well-being at Iowa

Find help, resources, and support for your mental health and well-being 24/7.

Support icon

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program offers faculty and staff short-term counseling, consultation, and information and referral to resources.

Person information icon

How to help a student in distress

Use this guide to quickly respond to a student or colleague who is experiencing distress.


cell phone icon

Report a Safety Concern

Each of us plays a role in supporting campus safety. If you see something that is a potential safety threat, report it to police as soon as possible. If it's an emergency, call 911.

Checklist icon

Campus Safety Resource Guide

Read this guide to learn more about services, training, and other free resources that help keep campus safe. 

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Emergency Response Guide

Safety is a shared responsibility. This guide can help you understand how to respond to various emergencies that may occur on campus.

Children and family

child icon

Local Child Care Options

Finding reliable child care can be hard. Consult this page of community resources for options available to you.

Friendship icon

Elder Caregiving

These resources can help you navigate the complex and often confusing world of elder caregiving.

Baby icon

New Parents

Are you about to become a new parent? This information can help support you during this exciting time.

Campus news and events

Calendar icon

Events Calendar

Want to know what's happening on campus every day of the week? The UI Events Calendar is the place to look. 

Kinnick Stadium icon

Hawkeye Sports Calendar

Check out what's happening on the field, in the pool, at the arena, or on the track. All Hawkeye sports events are listed here.

Reading icon

Iowa Magazine

Iowa Magazine contains the latest news and information for alumni, fans, and friends of the University of Iowa, produced by the UI Center for Advancement.


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Office of the Vice President for Research

Through strategic initiatives, compliance infrastructure, and core facilities, the OVPR provides resources and support to researchers and scholars across campus.

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Find Funding

Identify sources of external funding for your research, scholarship, or creative activity.

leadership icon


Did you know 1 in 3 undergraduates participates in research at Iowa? Identify opportunities to mentor students.