A University of Iowa search committee has announced the first candidate for the next dean of the College of Law.

Rebecca Ernst Zietlow is interim dean of the University of Toledo College of Law in Toledo, Ohio. Zietlow has been at the University of Toledo since 1995 and also holds the positions of Distinguished University Professor and the Charles W. Fornoff Professor of Law and Values. She is the founder and steering committee member of the Thirteenth Amendment Project, an interdisciplinary nationwide project established in 2006 to explore the history and promise of the 13th Amendment. Zietlow was a visiting professor at the UI College of Law during the spring 2011 semester.
Zietlow will meet with faculty, staff, students, shared governance, and campus leadership during a campus visit Dec. 2—3. She will participate in an open forum from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, in the Levitt Auditorium (room 295) of Boyd Law Building, 130 Byington Road. Attendance via Zoom also is available. Click to join.
You can view Zietlow’s curriculum vitae here.
For more information, see the College of Law dean search website.