Thursday, February 1, 2024

University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Awardees receive a certificate and a letter of appreciation from the Office of the Provost. 

25 years

Armando Bacho Jr., Guest Services

Teresa Bertelli, Nursing

Molly Bock, Anesthesia

Brian Chapman, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Angela Davis, Facilities Management

Becki Embretson, Health Information Management—Administration

Barbara Fishman, Patient Financial Services

Suzanne Harney-Wright, Nursing

Julie Kurt, Cancer Center

Miao Miao, Facilities Management

Phillip Parker, Football

Catherine Reed Thureson, Library Administration

Carrie Roth, Nursing

Chris Schwarz, Driving Safety Research Institute

Brenda Shafer, UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital

Shari Sorensen, International Programs

Natalie Van Waning, Pediatrics 

Eric Voss, Library Administration

30 years

Daniel Felderman, Pharmacy Administration

Georgina Glass, Hematology/Oncology

Steven Romont, Accounting and Financial Reporting

Beverly Schneider, Clinic

Laura Scholl, Radiation Safety

35 years

Susan Buske, State Health Registry of Iowa

Norma Feldmann, Nursing

Scott Fuller, Stead Technology Service Group

Traci Hotz, Heart Center/EKG Lab

Christine Jones, Core Laboratories

Maria Lofgren, Nursing Administration

Charles McBrearty, Dental Informatics

Tamara McLaughlin, Nursing

Daniel McMillan, Public Health Administration

Donna Palmer, Pathology Educational Affairs

Tami Thompson, Center Center—Administration

Patrick Whetstone, Nursing Administration

Tamara Wilson, Radiology Administration

40 years

Elizabeth Gerot, Otolaryngology Clinic

Dawn Schrock, Epidemiology