University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Awardees receive a certificate and letter of appreciation from the Office of the President.
25 Years
Kimberly Broszeit, Neuro-Neurology Clinic
Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anesthesia
Shelly Forbes, Nursing
Mariann Hein, Nursing
Janice Keys-Pearl, Finance
Melissa Kroemer, Obgyn-Ob/Gyn Clinic
Amanda Schaaf-Kleppe, Ambulatory Care Clinics
Sherri Schomberg, Ambulatory Care Ortho Clinic
Mwamini Sula, Nursing
30 Years
Sandra Anderson, Ortho/Orthopaedics Clinic
Debra Blind, Pharm-Pharmacy Administration
Susanne Branson, Its-Enterprise Infrastructure
Deborah Even, Nursing
Kathleen Ford, Music
Tolentino Forte, Dietary Services
Monte Kugley, Facilities Management
John Millsap, Engineering Administration
Kevin Slycord, Es Grounds
Eileen Sullivan, Microbiology
Shelly Vileta, Nursing
Jana Zawojewski, Orthopaedic Surgery
35 Years
Susan Klatt, Financial Management
Marcia McNamara, Registrar
David Ollendick, Facilities Management
James Weber, Nursing
40 Years
Debra Killion, Intravenous Admixture
Mary Wagner-Jopfs, Professional Coding Div
45 Years
Patricia Kutcher, Rec Services-Activities