University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Awardees receive a certificate and letter of appreciation from the Office of the President.
25 Years
James Bahmler, Facilities Management
Annadora Khan, Library Administration & Gen
Lisa Mascardo, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy
Dori Pirkl, ASC OR
Vesta Rodby, Guest Services-Admin & Escorts
Sheryl Smiley, Dental Clinic Administration
Johnnie Starckovich, Facilities Management
Rachel Stewart, Business-Tippie College Of Business
30 Years
Russell Frank, Care Coordination Division
Betty Harney, Nursing
Tami Krchak, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy
Julia Ostrom, Respiratory Care
35 Years
Fredrick Fevold, Orthopaedic Surgery
Sally Fisher, Obstetrics/Gynecology
David Fry, Food And Nutrition Services
Denise Hyche, Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Cent
Julie Nealson, Microbiology
Joyce Rogers, Digestive Disease Center-Gi
Robert Rohret, Motor Vehicle Maintenance Service
James Roush, Dietary Services - Adm - Profs
40 Years
Paula Farquharson, Nursing
Becky Krob, IRL General Internal Medicine
Ann Lampe, Health Care Information System