A University of Iowa search committee has announced the third finalist for the next vice president for medical affairs and dean of the Carver College of Medicine.

Selwyn O. Rogers, Jr. is Dr. James E. Bowman, Jr. Professor at the University of Chicago, the founding director of the trauma center at University of Chicago Hospitals, executive vice president of community health engagement, and chief of the Section of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. His clinical and research interests focus on understanding the health care needs of underserved populations.
Rogers will meet with faculty, staff, students, shared governance, and campus leadership during a campus visit Aug. 29—30. He will participate in an open forum from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Aug. 29, in 1110 Prem Sahai Auditorium in the Medical Education Research Facility, 375 Newton Road. A Zoom option also is available at https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/92254016944.
You can view Rogers’ curriculum vitae here.
The name of each candidate will be announced one day prior to their visit.
For more information, see the vice president for medical affairs, Carver College of Medicine dean search website.