University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Awardees receive a certificate and letter of appreciation from the Office of the President.
25 Years
Tina Baltes, Nursing Administration
Jennifer Crow, Patient Appointment Center
Robert Heitman Jr., HCIS
Tomas Kuennen, Bioengineering
Arlene Lyon, Patient Appointment Center
Bobbi Matt, Epidemiology
Melissa O’Donnell, Rehabilittaion Therapies
Julie Pelechek, Neurology
Sarah Tallman, Research Administration
John Thomas, Parking and Transportation
Joni Troester, University Human Resources
Stuart Wood, HCIS
30 Years
Gordon Axt, Environmental Health and Safety
Dennis Bigelow, Food and Nutrition Services
Cynthia Bys, Nursing
Tracy Clapp, Nursing
Frank Eishens, Procurement Services
Brian Heil, Stead Technology Service Group
Lana Kaufman, Internal Medicine
Amy Ollinger, Internal Medicine
Shari Piekarski, Tippie College of Business
Julie Rohlena, Nursing
Barbara Schuessler, Nursing Administration
Ana Wanek, Nursing
Kimmarie Wyatt, Nursing
35 Years
Donna Dolezal, Ambulatory Surgery Center
Nancy Haynes, Ambulatory Care Clinics
Kirk Hochstetler, Facilities Management
Peggy Jenn, Intercollegiate Athletics
Lori Kithcart, Nursing
Kathy Martensen, Radiology
Ronald Matthess, Nursing
John Oneill, Material Services
Richard Young Jr., Nursing
40 Years
Lori Gerard, Residence Hall Residence Life
Jacqueline Nelson, Nursing
Julia Tomash, Intercollegiate Athletics