University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Awardees receive a certificate and letter of appreciation from the Office of the President.
25 Years
Omar Ahmad, National Advanced Driving Simulator
Cheri Bragg, Patient Financial Services
Diana Chockley, Otolaryngology
Sue Kron, Nursing
Justin Kuhn, Respiratory Care
Bing Lo, Facilities Management
Margaret Price, Internal Medicine
DaNel Reese, Obstetrics/Gynecology
Danielle Weber, Accounts Payable and Travel
Lynne Westphal, Pathology
30 Years
Arthur Abrams, Pharmacy
Dennis Bigelow, Food and Nutrition Services
Molly Bradshaw, Hygienic Lab
Tina Croy, Environmental Services
Kevin Hatfield, Radiology
John Laverty, Admissions
Tina Merta, Admissions
Michael Minchk, Respiratory Care
Ronald Moyer, Facilities Management
Linda Powers, Internal Medicine
Nancy Ritchey, Library Administration
Anne Smith, Nursing
Connie Timm, Health Care Information Systems
Pauline Wieland Plowman, Music
Barbara Wyatt, Pathology
Kristina Yows, Office of the Provost
35 Years
Rebecca Hanson, Admissions
Kristine Hardin, Neurology
Willard Harman, Parking and Transportation
Kerry Nelson, Nursing
Wenda Ostrem, Pharmacy
Kevin Puls, Public Safety