University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Awardees receive a certificate and letter of appreciation from the Office of the President.
45 Years
Linda Annis, Business Manager’s Office
40 Years
Carolyn Bygness, Nursing
Susan Kloos, Continuum of Care Management
Diana Knoedel, Pediatrics
Rhonda Vannostrand, Procurement Services
Lori Wood, Health Information Management
35 Years
Margery Amelon, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Tammy Becicka-McNeal, Nursing
Elizabeth Horning, Pathology
Linda Koss, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Steven Lottich, Health Care Information Systems (HCIS)
David Martin, Information Technology Services (ITS)
Alison Meade, Health Information Management
Maria Miller, Nursing
Diann Pavelka, Bio Ventures Center
James Sartain, State Hygienic Lab
Sara Vance, Continuum of Care Management
Pamela Wetjen, Nursing Administration
Kimberlee Wingert, Urology
Laura Zdulski McCray, HCIS
30 Years
Mark Dresselhaus, Respiratory Care
Rhonda Fruhling, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Karen Hanson, Continuum of Care Management
Tanya Hermanson, Nursing
Karen Holmes, Nursing
Ilona Lichty, Finance and Operations
Daniel Nugent, Student Services
Robert Reardon, ITS
Belinda Siglin, Psychiatry
Rupasree Srikantha, Pediatrics
25 Years
James Hampton, Pharmacy
Dawn Kousheh, Pathology
Amy Sheehan, Pediatrics