The University of Iowa strives to make the community a safe place to live, work, and learn. As students, faculty, and staff return to campus for a new academic year, the UI Department of Public Safety reminds campus of the variety of safety services and training opportunities available, including:
- NITE RIDE: Free late-night transportation service for all genders available from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily. Express rides available for $1.
- Rave Guardian App: Free mobile application that allows students to select a virtual guardian to escort them during their walk home, send anonymous crime tips to the UI Police Department (UIPD) via text message, and call the UIPD with a panic button. Sign up using your UI email address to gain access to campus-specific features.
- Hawk Alert: Hawk Alerts are triggered by an event that is currently occurring on or imminently threatening the UI campus. The UI Department of Public Safety initiates Hawk Alerts for any significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and employees. Text message is the fastest way to receive an alert. Keep your settings up to date, and track updates on the emergency website.
- Violent Incident Survival Training: The goal of this training is to mentally prepare students, faculty, and staff to recognize, assess, and respond to threats of violence that they might one day face. Violent Incident Survival Training is based on a flexible set of principles—“Run, Hide, Fight”—that can be adapted to any violent situation.
- SHOUT (Students Helping OUT): SHOUT provides trained student ambassadors to patrol during student-sponsored events, student gatherings, and in downtown Iowa City during high-traffic weekend hours with a focus on bystander intervention and overall safety. SHOUT students can arrange safe transportation, help students who become separated from their group, and provide public education about the Rave Guardian app and other campus safety services.
- Threat Assessment Program: The Threat Assessment Program is dedicated to the early identification, assessment, and management of incidents and behaviors that threaten the safety and well-being of the university community. Help keep our community safe by reporting warning signs and concerning behaviors.
- Community Training Programs: The UI Department of Public Safety offers free and low-cost training programs to those affiliated with the UI community, including programs on CPR, de-escalation techniques, personal safety and self-protection, and more.
Visit the UI Department of Public Safety website to learn more about steps you can take to be #HawkeyeSafe.
New Reimagining Campus Safety Action Committee
As our community joined those across the country this spring and summer in protesting continued disproportionate police brutality against people of color, specifically the Black community, the UI formed the Reimagining Campus Safety Action Committee. The committee is charged with identifying strategies to create a campus community that supports the safety of all individuals, with particular attention to people who have traditionally experienced disproportionate harm from systems such as law enforcement.
This may involve new and different roles, scope, focus, budgets, and may include a broad range of professions spanning:
- Social workers
- Mental health experts
- Case managers, and
- Public safety officers
Recommendations on new strategies are due to UI President Bruce Harreld by Dec. 19, 2020, with implementation to begin in January 2021.
Because nearly 75% of students live off campus and more than half of faculty and staff live in Iowa City, the UI Department of Public Safety works closely with the Iowa City Police Department and other area law enforcement. The UI continues to cooperate and work with local law enforcement to create accountability structures that ensure the safety of our community.
Learn more about additional steps that UI and the city of Iowa City are taking.