University of Iowa Staff Council’s service-recognition program acknowledges all professional and scientific and merit supervisory exempt and confidential staff who have reached 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 years of continuous service. Longevity Award winners receive a certificate and letter of appreciation from the Office of the President.
25 Years
Kenneth Aubrecht, Food and Nutrition Services
Connie Beachy, UI Heart and Vascular Center
Marlys Boote, CLAS Administration
Joan Bristow, Nursing
Glena Clarke, Radiology
Frances Cramer, Respiratory Care
Suzanne Malo, ITS
Wendy Moorehead, Facilities Management
Nancy Welsh, Prosthodontics
30 Years
Christine Annicella, Education Administration
Joan Faletti, Epidemiology
Linda Frank, Joint Office of Patient Financial Services
Valerie Garr, Nursing
Michelle, Gerot, English as Second Language
Mary Grabe, ITS
Angela Sprouse, Internal Medicine
Marilyn Wessels-Elvers, Dental Support Services
35 Years
Shari Hook, Environmental and Guest Services
Helen Stegall, Nursing Administration
40 Years
Deborah Jarrard, Vice President for Medical Affairs
William Kurth, Physics and Astronomy