Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Several start-up ideas from University of Iowa students were awarded cash prizes in various categories in the recent Iowa John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center (Iowa JPEC) IdeaStorm competitions.

IdeaStorms are entry-levels pitch competitions open to all UI students that introduce students to innovation by encouraging them share their ideas in two minutes or less with their peers and a panel of judges. A total of 118 students pitched their ideas in February at four different competitions, each with a different theme.

Students competed in four categories. The winners of each category received $500 and are listed below.

Health Initiatives

Scott Tribbey for Spine Buddy, which provides a way for adolescents to feel comfortable in a scoliosis brace while improving their spine.

Creative Concepts

Lance Junck for Open Mic, an online platform that directly connects theater teachers with emerging playwrights looking to get their work produced. 

Common Good

Andrea Ford for her idea of a mental health and addiction center that acquires warehouse space as housing and skill training for homeless people.

Consumer Solutions

Bryce Prokof for Amateur Caddie, a golf accessory holder/organizer that clips to the outside of a golf bag to allow easier access to the essentials golfers need during their round.