All members of the university community are invited to help shape the future of the UI by contributing to the UI Academic Organizational Structure 2020 initiative.
The purpose of the initiative is to develop bold ideas for the UI’s future. How can we best address the grand challenges of the 21st century through our research, creative endeavors, curriculum, and teaching? How can we best serve our state and the world?
Phase I of the initiative took place over spring and summer of 2017 and culminated in the Phase I report that is available on the 2020 website.
Phase II of the initiative begins with a focus on listening—to students, faculty, staff, and any and all community members with ideas for how the university can thrive in the decades ahead. To that end, the Phase II committee has established several ways you can share your ideas and feedback. The 2020 website offers a “Feedback/Input” form and a form to request a meeting with committee members. The committee will also be holding a series of open forums, the first of which have been scheduled as follows:
- Monday, Nov. 13, 3:30–5 p.m., Iowa Theater, IMU
- Monday, Dec. 4, 6:30–8 p.m., 100 PH, Phillips Hall Auditorium
- Tuesday, Dec. 5, 11–11:50 a.m., E331 GH, Medical Alumni Auditorium
All members of the university community are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to share your ideas with the Phase II committee.
For more information about the initiative, dates of future open forums, and progress reports, please visit the 2020 website. We will share reminders about the upcoming forums, as well as regular updates about our progress, on the website and in the Thursday Iowa Now faculty and staff emails.