For years, the College of Dentistry staff had a vision of a wellness garden to beautify the property around the Dental Science Building. When major renovations to the building wrapped up in 2016 and the grounds were cleared, the opportunity presented itself. Patient Relations Specialist Ann Synan and Penni Ryan, director of alumni relations, ran with it.
With leadership approval, an area between the Center for Disabilities and Development and the Dental Science Building was identified as an ideal location for the garden.
Is your group interested in cultivating a wellness project within your workspace? Learn how a Wellness Grant from liveWELL can help.
“Penni and I met in June 2016 and discussed the creation of a ‘wellness garden’ for our faculty and staff to go to get out of the building, away from the stresses of patient care, and to enjoy being outdoors,” says Synan. “Penni and I suggested that the garden be modeled, on a smaller scale, after the Memorial and Healing Garden (located at the front entrance of University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics) with interesting native Iowa plants and trees that would be easy to maintain and would offer colors year-round.
“I met with Dr. Cindy Reed, the director of ophthalmology at UI Hospitals and Clinics and executive director of the Lions Club Eye Bank, who had spearheaded the Memorial and Healing Garden project in 2004. We had inspiration and direction to go forward—we just needed funds.”
Together, Ryan and Synan identified the We Are Phil campaign of 2016–17 as a possible financial option. Approval came quickly to go forward with the We Are Phil campaign.
“We had so much enthusiasm for the project through the We Are Phil campaign,” Synan says. “Employees loved that this was something meaningful that benefited all of us. Getting permission validated that we were appreciated for our patience during the reconstruction and for the work we do every day at the College of Dentistry in patient care, research, and education.”
Join the College of Dentistry for lunch on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Trucks are located between the Dental Science Building and the Center for Disabilities and Development.
Fundraising was successful. The goal through We Are Phil was to raise $20,000; the college raised $19,768.20. To complete fundraising goals, the College of Dentistry applied for and was awarded a Wellness Grant of $500 from liveWELL.
Now the garden is gaining popularity as faculty and staff discover this quiet place. Kim Fordice, clinic clerk in orthodontics, goes out to the garden every day that she can.
“I do ‘the garden loop’ a few times, then sit on a bench and enjoy the garden,” Fordice says.
Synan says plans for a fall ribbon cutting are being made. A memorial plaque will be installed, and the benches, tables, and chairs will also have plaques.
“It is only going to look better and better as time goes on and the plants mature and the trees grow,” Synan says. “It is fun to see how our garden has grown in just one summer.”