UI Health Care faculty and staff are encouraged to share innovations in patient safety and quality improvement, education, and research at the Fourth Annual Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Symposium. Works in progress are also welcome.
Abstracts are due by midnight March 23. Click here to submit an abstract. The poster session will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. April 6 in the Medical Education and Research Facility Atrium.
Awards sponsored by the Society of Hospital Medicine–Iowa Chapter and the Department of Medicine will be presented for the top posters. The number of accepted posters will be limited.
If you need assistance printing your poster, contact Teresa Ruggle in the Internal Medicine Design Center. Allow one week for printing. Other questions may be directed to Wendy Fiordellisi.
Visit the UI Events Calendar for more information about the symposium. For additional information and to register, call 319-335-8599 or visit medicine.uiowa.edu/cme.