The UI Staff Council Executive Committee has been busy during the past few months. Members worked to summarize the responses from the November 2015 Staff Survey, and root issues and action items were developed to share with the university’s newly formed Strategy Implementation Team and Operations Team.
At February's Staff Council meeting, a draft of the submission was distributed to the full council for review and feedback. The Executive Committee aims to have the final version ready by the March 1 meeting of the Strategy Implementation and Operations teams.
We do not see this as a one-time process. We view this as a continual feedback loop for staff to provide the Staff Council with their concerns and ideas. As we move forward with our future submissions to the Strategy Implementation and Operations teams, we will continue to refine our communications and our feedback process.
Do you want to become more involved with activities like those described above? Do you have a co-worker you believe would excel at representing staff? Staff Council function-representative nominations will be accepted March 11 to April 1, and elections are set for April 7–20. There will be further communications about the process beginning March 1, via email and on the Staff Council website.
Finally, I want to thank all staff for your contributions to this institution. Your collective effort plays a prominent part in the continued success of this great enterprise and provides a public service to the people of Iowa and beyond.
On Iowa, and go Hawks!