With winter weather returning to Iowa City, it's important for those on campus to get reacquainted with the University of Iowa's severe weather policies.
Whenever possible, the university continues to function during inclement weather, and employees are expected to report to work. As long as students and their instructors are able to travel to and from campus safely, regularly scheduled classes will continue to meet. For more information, view the university's Extreme Weather Policy.
Vice President for Student Life Tom Rocklin talks about the decision-making process for canceling classes. Read the Q&A
If classes are canceled, the university will issue a Hawk Alert via phone, text, email, and posts to the UI homepage, the UI Emergency Information website, and its Facebook and Twitter accounts. Because the success of Hawk Alert depends on up-to-date contact information, those on campus should review and update their Hawk Alert information.
Individual circumstances may vary, and you should avoid serious risks when traveling to and from campus.
Here's some other helpful winter weather information:
- Consider taking the bus as the weather deteriorates. GPS-based, real-time passenger information is available through Bongo. This UI information system can help you determine when a bus from Coralville, Iowa City, or university transit system will reach a route near you so you can plan accordingly.
- The UI Parking and Transportation Department offers free jump-start service for employees, students, and visitors parked on the UI's main campus. The service is offered as an as-available basis from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The service is not offered on university holidays. To request service, call 319-335-8312.
View more winter weather information on the UI Emergency Information site at emergency.uiowa.edu.