In order to see the full academic picture found at the University of Iowa, you’ll need to look in all directions.
Iowa offers majors, minors, and certificates in more than 200 areas of study. Some of the most popular majors include business, engineering, biology, psychology, and English, and undergraduates have the opportunity to pursue degree tracks in areas such as biomedical engineering, creative writing, and, beginning in 2016, a bachelor's degree program in public health (though students don't have to wait until next year to take public health courses, as documented below).
But there are a few crucial, common threads woven through these varied areas of study: commitments to quality classroom interaction, hands-on experience, personal growth, and preparation for the career that lies ahead.
Academic Panoramic provides a look at a cross section of the UI educational experience, from philanthropy and public health to theatre arts and sports analytics.
What is public health?
Fundamentals of Public Health is a course offered through the UI College of Public Health designed to introduce students to the field while emphasizing pertinent issues, challenges, achievements, and potential careers. Read more...
Sports as statistical springboard
Should a football team “go for it” on fourth down? How do you build the optimal fantasy football team? These scenarios can offer better understanding of mathematical techniques and statistical probability. Read more...
Follow the nose
Students participating in the theatre class Movement Styles: Clown learn to "follow their nose," or confront their vulnerabilities, to create a unique clown character. As they learn, it's not all laughs. Watch video...
What's new about getting old?
There are some undeniable truths in life. One of them is that we will get older. Yet we don't really know how and why we age. It’s those central questions that Veena Prahlad is tackling in her undergraduate class, Mechanisms of Aging. Read more...
Build, manage, win
During the Building and Managing Winning Political Campaigns class, UI Adjunct Instructor Joseph Gaylord emphasizes the five key elements of a winning campaign. (What are they? Click through!) Read more...
Breaking out of injustice
Controversy yields conversation. Conversation generates action. Action sculpts the future. The University of Iowa explores these ideas with the fall 2015 course Race and Social Justice After Ferguson. Watch video...
Work that leads to jobs
PEDE students don’t just solve engineering problems—they learn how to gather information, work as a team, and present their work to a group of “bosses.” As a result, this highly selective class often leads to job offers at graduation. Read more...
Research, at a glance
Facial expression software is just one of the cutting-edge, market-research tools for Tippie marketing students taking Contemporary Topics in Marketing. Read more...
Let's talk giving
Want to learn about nonprofit organization branding and donor communication and gain practical experience planning and writing fundraising materials? There's a course for that. Read more...
The technical art of teaching science
"It is not enough anymore to simply lecture to students." Instructional Issues in Teaching Science agrees; the course covers the most effective ways to engage youth in science. Read more...