WHAT: The University of Iowa is one of many colleges across the country working hard to address the serious public health issue of high-risk drinking. On Oct. 18-24, the UI will join other institutions in recognizing National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week by sponsoring several events designed to bring attention to the problem.
On Tuesday, Oct. 20, UI Student Health & Wellness will host a screening of the documentary HAZE for students, staff, faculty, and community members. The film discusses binge drinking and alcohol abuse among college students, as well as the devastating consequences of hazing. A facilitated discussion will follow the screening, focusing on issues such as binge drinking, drinking culture, how to help a friend, and signs of alcohol poisoning, among other questions.
On Wednesday, Oct. 21, students will place 1,800 gold flags on the west side of the Pentacrest to symbolize the number of college students who die every year across the country due to alcohol poisoning or other alcohol-related incidents.
“We know these deaths are preventable, so we want to ensure everyone isn’t just aware, but continuing to work towards making the campus and community safer and healthier for all,” says Beth Ripperger, behavioral health consultant at UI Student Health & Wellness.
Later that day, students will participate in the Amazing IOWA Race, a fun and free team-based competition incorporating stops throughout campus and the downtown area that highlight various alcohol-free or late-night activities—helping students become more cognizant and aware of those venues. Participating students will also learn the physical, personal, and cultural impact of alcohol use through educational information shared while completing a series of challenges. Students can sign up for the Amazing IOWA Race or learn more about the event at http://studenthealth.uiowa.edu/amazing-iowa-race/.
Two residence hall-hosted alcohol-education sessions for students are also planned during the week.
- HAZE documentary
Tuesday, Oct. 20
Iowa Theatre, Iowa Memorial Union
7-9 p.m.
- Flags on the Pentacrest
Wednesday, Oct. 21
West side of the Pentacrest
Flags going up at 7:30 a.m., to be displayed all day
- Amazing IOWA Race
Wednesday, Oct. 21
Race will start at 5 p.m. on the front lawn of Student Health & Wellness (Westlawn Building, 4189 Westlawn South)
WHY: The UI continues to educate students about the dangers of high-risk drinking in order to enhance long-term progress.
In the last six years, binge drinking among UI students has dropped 23 percent, according to the American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment. In 2009, the UI also created the Alcohol Harm Reduction Advisory Committee—a multidisciplinary group of faculty, staff, and students that advises the vice president for student life on a comprehensive and research-based plan to create conditions on our campus which decrease high-risk drinking and the related harmful consequences.