The Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) announced its 2015 award winners, which include Michael B. Paulsen, professor in educational policy and leadership studies, and alumnus George D. Kuh (Ph.D. '75).
Paulsen received the Research Achievement Award, which honors those whose published work "advances understanding of higher education in a significant way." Paulsen is one of the top 20 authors cited in higher education journals. He has made significant contributions to a range of higher education scholarship, including finance and economics, among others, through his research. Additionally, he stands apart as a leader in the field, currently serving as editor of Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research.
ASHE honored Kuh with the Howard Bowen Distinguished Career Award, which is presented to an individual dedicated to the study of higher education "whose career has significantly advanced the field through extraordinary scholarship, leadership, and service." Kuh is the Chancellor's Professor Emeritus at Indiana University, and his body of work that spans nearly 400 publications and hundreds of presentations. In addition to his work, Kuh is known for his impact on practice, having founded the National Survey dof Student Engagement, and served as a leader of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes assessment.
An awards luncheon for the honorees was held in Denver in early November.