UI Faculty Council, Staff Council, Student Government, and Graduate and Professional Student Government issued a joint statement:
UI faculty, staff, and students appreciate the opportunity for the open exchange of ideas offered by the UI presidential town hall forums. UI shared governance groups regret that while many members of the UI community asked thoughtful questions at Mr. Bruce Harreld's town hall forum, some of the questions transformed a vigorous debate into a hostile atmosphere.
Many of our constituents were embarrassed by these comments and felt they were not characteristic of the UI community as a whole. Indeed, many of us engaged in respectful dialogue with Mr. Harreld throughout the day.
Whatever any of us think of a particular candidate’s qualifications to be our next president, we must honor the ideals of civil discourse and the respectful exchange of ideas that are the cornerstones of higher education and this great institution.
We encourage you to continue that exchange by submitting your thoughts on the candidates through the feedback forms provided on the candidate websites.
Marvin Krislov: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FR38DHL
Michael Bernstein: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FTL6JCB
Joseph Steinmetz: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FRDBKPS
Bruce Harreld: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FR6S2MW