Starting Tuesday, Sept. 15, the University of Iowa community will notice bold new posters around campus highlighting the connection between drinking and sexual assault. The Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) is rolling out its fall prevention campaign, “My Cup Is Not My Consent.”

The campaign focuses on preventing alcohol-facilitated sexual assault on campus.
“In talking with students, we often hear that drinking culture is heavily intertwined with sexual activity. Asking for consent is vital and someone who is incapacitated can’t give consent,” says Susan Junis, RVAP’s university prevention education coordinator. “This campaign aims to change the narrative around sex and alcohol—one should not assume that because someone is drinking that they are sexually available or interested. Always ask for consent, and if your partner is too drunk, wait.”
The campaign also aligns with the University of Iowa’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, which states that persons who are “incapacitated due to the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication” are unable to give consent.
“In addition, “My Cup Is Not My Consent” builds off research on campus sexual assault that found many perpetrators use alcohol as a weapon to commit their crime,” says Junis.
Students will find the campaign’s message on posters around campus, as well as on table tents in all dining halls and housed fraternity and sorority chapters. Every student residing in residence halls and Greek-affiliated houses on campus will also receive an information card featuring the campaign logo, contact information for RVAP, and a QR code leading to a video about consent.
RVAP is also holding several outreach opportunities:
- Tuesday, Sept. 15: table at the IMU Hubbard Commons, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, Sept. 15: bystander intervention training for graduate and professional students at the Deadwood, 6–8 p.m. (co-hosted by GPSG)
- Wednesday, Sept. 16: table on the Pentacrest, 11 am.–1 p.m.