Trigger Warning: This warning addresses a report of sexual misconduct. Resources are available on and off campus to provide assistance. Contact RVAP for 24/7 support at (319) 335-6000.
In the interest of campus safety, we want everyone to be aware that the University of Iowa Police received information from an out-of-state law enforcement agency that they received a report of a sexual assault that occurred on the University of Iowa campus in the late night hours of Monday, Aug. 17, 2015. The victim reported as they were walking near the Iowa River a suspect pulled them into a construction area and they were sexually assaulted. The victim was able to get away.
The victim reported their attacker was a black male, 30-35 years of age, 5'5"-5'11" in height, short dreadlocks, black shoes, with skinny to normal build. The UI Police are investigating. If you have any information on this incident please contact us at 319-335-5022.
The only person responsible for sexual misconduct is the perpetrator. It is a violation of university policy to engage in sexual activities without clear consent from your partner. Someone incapacitated due to alcohol or drugs cannot consent to sexual activity.
A student or employee in violation of University of Iowa's sexual misconduct policies faces sanctions up to and including expulsion or termination.
How to report:
If you believe a crime has been committed we encourage you to call the police at 911. To contact University of Iowa Police call 319-335-5022. You also have the option to make a University policy complaint. The Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (OSMRC) is available to explain and answer questions about reporting options.
How to get help:
We strongly encourage victims to seek medical attention immediately, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. A sexual assault examination is free and conducted by a specially trained nurse. An examination does not obligate someone to an investigation; however, it allows evidence to be collected and preserved in the event someone choose to authorize a criminal investigation at a later time. Victims may also receive medication for prevention of pregnancy, HIV, or other infections.
In addition to seeking medical attention, there are other options for self-care after an assault, including contacting a confidential victim advocate (24/7 support at 319-335-6000). A comprehensive list of resources can be found on the OSMRC's website.
What to remember:
Consensual sex occurs when both partners agree to engage in sexual activity. Consent should always be mutual, voluntary, enthusiastic, and given without pressure, intimidation, or fear. Learn more about the UI’s stance on affirmative consent.
The most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger but by someone known to the victim, typically a date or other acquaintance. If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Here are some strategies:
- Create a distraction and involve others
- Make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home
- Remember being an active bystander doesn't require you put yourself at risk
Where to find additional resources:
The UI is committed to combating sexual violence, supporting survivors, and holding perpetrators accountable. Read about the Six Point Plan to Combat Sexual Assault and the UI Anti-Violence Coalition’s work.
Additional information on how to reduce your risk of sexual assault is available from the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). Research has shown that sexual violence is associated with numerous negative outcomes that affect academic success and persistence, including substance use, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Research also shows that trauma often goes beyond those who directly experience violence to encompass friends, family, and colleagues, creating ripples throughout the community.
You are receiving this information in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The Clery Act requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees. Read the University of Iowa Department of Public Safety's 2014 Campus Safety and Security Report.
David Visin
Interim assistant vice president and director public safety
The University of Iowa Police Division
The Department of Public Safety