Monday, July 27, 2015
Jean Robillard
Jean Robillard

WHAT: Media availability

WHO: University of Iowa Interim President Jean Robillard, M.D.

WHEN: 2-2:30 p.m. Thursday, July 30

WHERE: 101 Jessup Hall, University of Iowa campus

WHAT: Jean Robillard will assume his role as interim president of the University of Iowa on Aug. 1. He will hold a media availability to provide an update on the presidential search and answer questions about the upcoming academic semester. Journalists are welcome to attend and should RSVP to Jeneane Beck at or Tom Moore at or 319-356-3945.

Space is limited. UI staff will videotape the discussion on a pool basis and provide unedited video and audio files to media outlets at this address by 4:15 p.m. Files can be downloaded via either link:

Video link 1 (Primary)

Video link 2 (Backup)