With the recent conclusion of the 2015 legislative session, the University of Iowa is moving forward with a salary program for 2015-16.
“I would like to thank the Iowa General Assembly for their hard work and financial support of the University of Iowa in these challenging financial times. We are extremely pleased this will allow the Board of Regents to maintain the tuition freeze for resident undergraduate students this fall,” says President Sally Mason.
The General Education Fund of the university is made up of state appropriations, tuition, and indirect cost recoveries received from the federal government, which support research. Pending the governor’s signature, the budget approved by the General Assembly provides $2.9 million in one-time funding for the University of Iowa and directs the university to use the appropriation for non-recurring projects.
“Due to the resident undergraduate tuition freeze, modest tuition increase for non-resident and graduate students, and reduction in indirect cost recoveries, we have adopted a salary program based on performance that recognizes our outstanding faculty and staff while being mindful of our resources and financial obligations,” says Rod Lehnertz, interim senior vice president for finance and operations.
The overall average salary increases for faculty and staff will be between 1 percent and 3 percent. These increases will need to be covered through reallocation within the individual colleges or administrative units.
“This salary program reflects our current challenges while positioning us to take advantage of emerging opportunities,” says P. Barry Butler, executive vice president and provost. “I am continually humbled by the quality of our faculty and staff—their dedication to our students, groundbreaking research, and service to the state. Because of these individuals, the University of Iowa is poised to make great strides in the coming years.”